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Get a free Hot Tub Floor Protector with purchase!!!
The mat can be used for more than just hot tubs. You can use the mat as yoga mat, inflatable pool mat etc.
Product Description
About this item
DuraPlus 3-layer material is 33 percent more resistant to punctures and 56 percent more resistant to stretching when compared to PVC; Includes Freeze Shield automatic heating function to ensure inner components will not freeze during colder temperatures
Equipped with a pump that quickly inflates the spa, heats it up, runs filtration, and controls the massage system for an easy and convenient spa that includes a cover, pump, chemical floater, 2 filter cartridges (VI), repair patch, and 6-foot-long cord
Water capacity (80 percent filled): 177 gallons; heat range 40-104 degrees Fahrenheit; Dimensions (L x W x H): 71 x 71 x 26 inches; NOTE: This spa cannot be used in temperatures less than 39 degrees Fahrenheit
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